DIY Painted Silverware
Looking for an inexpensive gift, or a way to add a little color to your table? These DIY painted spoons are for you! They are really easy to make, and you can find silverware at the thrift store or Home Goods for a really decent price. All you do is cover the top of the silverware with painters tape, then spray paint your handles, and add a final coat of food grade shellac. So easy! It’s a really fun craft! And they are super fast to make! I picked up these cheepies at walmart to paint and add to my picnic set. I used my three favorite colors, but you could use any color or combo of colors you like. These would be fun for holiday parties as well! I’m looking forward to using mine!
Happy Crafting!

how have these held up with washing and use?
These are with my picnic set, so i’ve only washed them a handful of times. They have held up fine for me. I washed them in the dishwasher on the top rack. I don’t really know about daily use, though. Hope that helps answer your question.
I just came across this post and I’ve been looking for a fun way to unify vintage silverware. Is there a specific brand of food grade shellac that you would recommend? I didn’t even know such a thing was available!
Hi Susan! The shellac that I have used in the past was a brand called Zinsser. The can I have is zinsser bulls eye clear spray shellac, and I bought it at my local Home Depot. I’m not sure if there is a better brand out there, this was just the most convenient for me. Hope this helps. Hope you have a wonderful time revamping your silverware!
Ok, thanks! Just wondering, does it specify it’s food safe on the can? I’ve actually been considering making over my tools at work as well, but never thought I’d be able to get my hands on an appropriate product for food use. Seafoam green knives would be pretty nifty : )
Hi Susan, I think it may say non toxic, but it doesnt say food grade on the front of the can. Next time I am at the hardware store I will look at the back of the can.
And minty green sound divine 🙂