Super Simple and Elegant Painted Glass Vases
Today I have a really simple and cute DIY decorating tip to share with you. I have seen all kinds of painted vases and vessels all over Pinterest, and they are so fantastic and fast way to add a little color to your space! You can customize them in any color you like. You can paint them with a brush on the outside or inside. Or, you can pour paint inside and swirl it around until covered or until you have a pattern you like. If you want to be able to fill your vessel with water you will need to use ceramic paint. I used the deco ceramic paint, which worked fine. I poured in the paint for two of my vases and in the places the paint was thick it bubbled when baked and doesn’t look so pretty, so be careful when using the ceramic paint. For an extra decorative touch I used a gold sharpie paint pen to color the top edge of my vases. My total cost on this project was less than $8. I bought the glass vases at the thrift store for less than a dollar a piece. Overall a fun, fast, and cheap DIY project. You could make a few for a centerpiece, make a bunch for your next party, or they would even be sweet little gifts for someone special!
Happy Crafting!

Hi, love this idea. My question though, is where did you get that sheep? My friend has 2 and she would love more and I would love some. Thanks, Kim
Hi Kim, I know I love the sheep too! It’s my moms, as I took the pic over at her house. I asked her about it, and she couldn’t remember where she bought it. She thinks maybe from the flea market. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. Good luck in your search!