Beau and Roux’s Corner- DIY Martingale Collar
Today Beaureguard and I have a special DIY for you. I am going to show you how to make a martingale collar. These collars are used a lot in dog training. There are two parts to the collar, the collar neck piece and the control loop. The collar fits nicely around your dog’s neck when they are sitting or walking easy with you, and if they pull, the control loop tightens the collar around the neck. The tightening is mild and doesn’t hurt the dog like a chain training collar can. Martingale collars are fantastic for sight hounds(like my italian greyhound Beau), as well as any dog that has problems with backing out of their collar. It’s the only type of collar we use for little Beau and his sister Sadie. It is a bit hard to find martingale collars at the pet stores, especially cute ones. So today I’m going to show you how to make your own. They are quick and easy to make, and all you need is a few supplies.
Here’s What You Need:
*Cotton or Nylon Webbing
*Hardware set- two sliders and one D ring( I found mine Here)
*Measuring tape
*Sewing Machine
Step 1: Measure and cut- Measure your dog’s neck. You want to take two measurements. The first measurement is around the widest part of the neck. The second is around the neck right behind the ears. You want to make your collar loose when worn freely, but able to tighten at the neck so the collar can’t slip over the ears and head, but not too tight to where it chokes the dog. Take your second measurement and add 1.5 to 2 inches to it and cut a strip of webbing that size (my 2nd measurement was 10.5, so I cut my collar to be 12.5 inches.) Then take your second measurement and subtract it from your first measurement. My first measurement was 12.5, so 12.5-10.5= 2″, then double the difference since this will be a loop, so that would be 4″, and then add another 2″ allowance for sewing to get your final measurement for your control loop, mine was 6″. So to repeat the formula again:
Measurement 1- around widest part of the neck
Measurement 2- around the neck right behind the ears
Measurement for collar= measurement 2 + 2″
Measurement for control loop= Measurement 1- Measurement 2, doubled, then add 2″ (or basically a little over half the length of the collar)
Once you have your correct measurements, cut your collar and control loop strips of webbing and ribbon
Step 2: Sew Ribbon to webbing if using ribbon- Tuck end of ribbon over the edge of one side of your webbing. Carefully topstitch all the way around the ribbon on the machine and snip loose threads.
Step 3: Sew Collar- Insert webbing onto one of the sliders fold over about an inch and stitch down webbing closing over the slider. Measure your collar again. You need to count in the webbing plus the sliders and enough allowance to fold over the other edge of webbing into the second slider bar. You want your finished collar piece to be the exact measurement of measurement 2. If you need to trim some off, go ahead and do so. Then, insert your loose end of webbing into the second slider buckle, fold over and stitch closed.
Step 4: Sew Control Loop- Thread both of the sliders onto your control loop. Make a loop and overlap the ends by around 2″. Stich down the end underneath close to the end, making sure your top end of the webbing is loose and free. Slide the d-ring onto the top loose flap of the webbing and scooch it down to the seam you just made. Then, stitch down the top flap of webbing. You should end up with a loop of webbing that has a d-ring sandwiched in between the ends, and two sliders.
Poor Sadie was very upset Beau was outside and she was not!
Aren’t they cute! These collars are so easy to make, and with all the adorable ribbon out there you could make one for every day of the week. Beaureguard really likes his collars, and it makes me feel better to know that he can no longer escape his collar, so I don’t have to worry about catching him if he decides to make a break and go after a squirrel in the park! So go ahead and give one a try for your favorite pooch.
Happy Crafting!

This is a great tutorial, and from what little I have seen you have a great blog, but, the font you use is difficult to read. It is cute, but it takes too much effort to read. Just sayin`. 😎
Thank you Elle! I am so new to html, and somehow have changed the font to some sort of script on certain pages, working on fixing it. So hopefully it will be more readable soon 🙂
Great tutorial!
Great looking Iggies!!
We have 3 in our house, and life sure is amusing!!
Oh my gosh! They are just the best dogs ever, don’t ya think? Never a dull moment either 😉
For sure!! One of ours is a foster, and all 3 are seniors. I could only try to imagine the excitement with an IG under the age of 12!!
I absolutely LOVE your blog by the way!
Aww, thanks so much Kelly!
Yeah, Beau and my sisters dog Sadie are just wild together, but luckily they don’t get into too much trouble 😉 They are just the sweetest! I know I’ll probably end up with another one soon, they are a bit addicting. It sounds like you have a perfect little group! I bet they’re precious!
Love this tutorial. We have a Scottie who is prey driven and wants to go after every squirrel she sees on our walks. Thanks to Martingale collars I still have an arm attached to my shoulder! These collars are expensive in pet stores, now Maisy can have a new, inexpensive collar wardrobe.
Thank you Cherie! My dog is a squirrel fiend as well:) There is some really great fabric tape/ trim on etsy you can use to sew on the webbing if you want a decorative collar. Try searching for Sakkara fabric ribbon on etsy sometime. They are so cute!
Hi, Ashlee…
What a great blog you have created here! I was searching the web to find a tutorial on making martingale collars for my two retired racing greyhounds, Finnigan and Cleo and just happened upon yours! Lucky for me!!!!!!!
I was spending anywhere from $20 to $40 each for collars for my hounds and buying 4 times a year was getting a little ridiculous price wise! Your instructions were so easy to read and follow…so I bought the materials and have made 6 new collars for my babies all under $30!
Thanks again so much for sharing and keep up the great work on this site…which I certainly will follow…
Always, Barbara…
Castle Shannon (PGH) PA
P.S. Your little Beauregard is absolutely adorable….and gorgeous!
Aw, thank you so much Barbara! You made my day! This is the exact reason I created this blog and it makes me immensely happy when people enjoy my projects and make it themselves:) I’d love for you to send me a pic! Finnigan is one of my absolute favorite names! We rescued an orange tabby I named Finnigan a few years back for our little sisters for Christmas, and they renamed him Cowboy. So now he is Cowboy Finnigan. Greyhounds, whippets, and iggies are just like the best breed! So lovey dovey! Thanks so much for following! I hope you enjoy it 🙂
Hi, I love your instructions and just completed a collar for my greyhound. All steps were easy until I started the control loop. There little room, so I sewed on the inside of the loop, but material would get caught on the needle clamp acre/ needle bar (?) as it went up and down. Width of collar was 2″.
Do you have any hints for sewing in a tight loop area? Maybe post some pictures?
Sorry, I meant to type “There was little room…”
Hey Laurie. Yeah the loop can get tricky. I used an inch wide webbing for mine. You can always try the loop with a thinner width or you can hand stitch the loop closed with heavy duty thread. You could also try rivets which you can find in the leather section of the craft store, they hammer down onto the fabric. I will post more pics next time I make a new collar. In the meantime, I hope this helps a little at least 🙂
Hey Ashlee! I just wanted to say thanks for the tutorial! I made two yesterday, and it was a really fast and easy project! I put pictures of them up on facebook. I hope you are doing well!
I found this easy to follow until the very last step, then got lost!! I was OK until this ; Stich down the end underneath close to the end, making sure your top end of the webbing is loose and free. Slide the d-ring onto the top loose flap of the webbing and scooch it down to the seam you just made. Then, stitch down the top flap of webbing. You should end up with a loop of webbing that has a d-ring sandwiched in between the ends, and two sliders. There is no ginal phot to see how this last bit should look, so I have a half finished collar 🙁
Sorry should say no final photo!
Sorry Angela! Every once in a while a photo will not turn out so it gets cut out. I need to make another one for my pup, so I will post another final pic soon, as soon as I get the hardware. In the meantime, let me try to explain it a little better if I can. So if you insert the second loop piece into each side of the hardware, pull the first loop piece down so it is sitting in the middle of the second loop piece and the hardware should be touching. Take your second piece and loop it so that the ends overlap by at least an inch or so. Now, the first place you need to stitch across is where the end that is underneath where the overlap is. Once you stitch across that area and stitch down the loose end that is on the underside, you should have a loose “tail” on the top of the loop. Slide the dring onto that piece and slide it til it touches the first end you stitched down. Then stitch across the top end stitching it down flat and enclosing the d ring inbetween the two seams. I hope this helps. If you want to send me your email through my contact form, I will email you when I make my new collars with some more pics.
This tutorial was fantastic! I just made a martingale collar for my lab. I bought enough materials to make 3 collars and I paid less than $15! Thank you so much!
Oh yay! I’m so glad you made some new collars for your pup! They are so easy!
Great tutorial! Just wondering, the red material is it a ribbon or a webbing? Did you add that in for colors or to make it thicker? Thank you!
Hi Mabel! Yes the red is a ribbon, and I just added it in for a little color. Plain webbing is just fine to use. I just like to make Beau’s a little fancy sometimes 🙂
This is GENIUS! The blue and white one looks like a belt that I used to have. I might just repurpose that belt as a collar!
I mentioned your tutorial in one of my blog posts:
Thank you Tara!I noticed a lot of webbing belts at goodwill the other day and thought about picking them up. Webbing can be kinda pricey at the fabric store. Repurposing is always the most fun! Thanks so much for sharing too!