13 Days of Halloween- Doily Spiderweb Corbels
Hello everyone! Welcome to day 4 of my 13 Days of Halloween. Today I am going to show you how to make cute little spiderweb corbels to decorate your doorways. This craft is really easy and fun, and it adds a fun vibe to your room. I think doilies make great spider webs, and there are so many different designs, I just love them!
Here’s What You Need:
*Large Doily
*Fabric Spray Paint or Regular Spray Paint if you want it to be stiffer
*Bias Tape
*Embroidery Floss and Needle
*Sewing Machine
Step 1: Paint Doily- Lay out your doily flat and smooth out on a piece of board or a dropcloth and spray the front with your paint. Once the front dries, spray the back. Let dry.
Step 2: Sew Webs- Cut your doily into quarters. Take your bias tape and encase one side of your quartered doily. Stitch along your edge of bias tape, snip off a little extra on the end and turn under before stitching the end. Now, turn under a new end of bias tape and cover the first end enclosing the other raw side of your doily. Stitch closed, turning other end under before stitching the bottom edge. Clip threads.
Step 3: Sew Loops- Cut a strand of embroidery thread and thread your needle. Whipstitch a couple of stitches and then on the third don’t pull down your thread all the way so it makes a loop. Holding your loop, whipstitch another stitch or two and then finish with a knot. Repeat with other two sides to end up with a loop on each corner for a total of three per corbel. Now you are ready to hang and enjoy!
I think they turned out pretty cute! What do you think? This is such an easy craft, and it’s also really inexpensive as well. You could put them in the doorways, in windows, the fireplace. Spiderweb doilies everywhere! I hope you enjoy this fun little Halloween craft! Be sure to stay tuned tomorrow for day 5.
Happy Crafting!

Such a great looking Halloween project and awesome for those of us that don’t crochet and have a giant pile of crochet doilies just waiting for the perfect craft! I may even make these today! Thanks so much–I’m now following your blog!
Thank you Karen! I would love to know how to crochet, but it is the one thing I have never been able to pick up. So I just find useful things to do with doilies 😉 And thank you for following!