DIY Holiday Themed Framed Vintage Buttons
As some of you already know I am smitten for vintage buttons! I love the styles, the textures, the colors! I am always looking for new ways to use my buttons, and had recently bought some small green ones that I thought would be a cute xmas tree. I originally thought of sewing them to a pillow, but was afraid the dogs would try and chew it. So I decided to sew them onto paper and frame them instead. The buttons are nice and protected,and it’s a really cute way to jazz up a table or a shelf for the holidays!
Here’s What You Need:
*Nice Paper- I used Watercolor Paper it has a nice thickness
*Embroidery Floss
*Needle and Scissors
Take your buttons and lay them out into a design you like such as a tree, ornaments, wreath, star, etc. Snap a pic for reference. Cut your paper to fit the size of your frame. Lay your buttons out onto your paper and use the needle to punch little guideline holes in the paper where the button holes are. Now you are ready to sew. Stitch your buttons one by one onto your paper with your colorful embroidery floss. Knot them in the back and clip excess threads. If you want to add a saying or word, you can draw it in with a pencil and poke holes about every quarter inch on the pencil lines to make guides for embroidering. Then you can embroider your words easily. Next, slip your buttoned paper into your frame and close up the back. And Voila! Now you have a fun little piece of holiday cheer to add to your decor.
I really love how easy these are to make! They are really versatile too since you can change up the shapes and combinations of buttons! You can experiment with different papers as well. I really love my Christmas tree, and the frame really makes it cute! If you are looking for vintage buttons, try searching on Etsy. I get a lot of my buttons from there. I hope you all have enjoyed this simple little craft! Be sure to tune in tomorrow for more holiday DIY’s!
Happy Crafting!