DIY Felt Peppermint Garland
Hello there! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! We had some beautiful weather here in NC! Today I have something really fun and whimsical to share with you, DIY Peppermint Garland! This craft is so much fun! I had a blast making it! It does take some time, but I think it’s well worth it. It took me a couple of hours to make a strand that is about five feet long. I would love to make enough for it to go around my Christmas tree this year!
Here’s What You Need:
*Felt Sheets in Red and White
*Rotary Cutter and mat or Scissors
*White sparkly Pom Poms small
*Needle and Embroidery Floss
*Before I start, please excuse my embarrassingly fuzzy pictures. Apparently I wasn’t paying attention to the settings that night. I was debating whether to put them up or not, but it always helps to have a visual.
With a ruler and cutter and mat, cut 1/2″ strips of your red and your white felt. You will need one red and one white strip for each peppermint. Next you want to prepare your thread. Knot one end of thread and cut a long length to how long you wish your garland to be. Thread a pom-pom and slide it up to the knot. Now you can make a peppermint. Grab one strip of red and one of white felt. Stack them on top of each other and starting at one end tightly roll the felt until it is a swirly round peppermint. Now slide your peppermint onto the needle. If it is hard to slide the peppermint over your needle, use a pair of pliers and grip the needle with the pliers and pull the peppermint over the needle. This helped me a lot! Slide your peppermint down until it meets the pom-pom at the end. Alternate pom poms and peppermint shapes sliding them onto your thread until you have the whole strand filled. Then, knot the other end, and clip threads. If you have peppermints that are not even at the end, snip off the excess so they are even. And that’s it, now you are ready to hang and enjoy!
Isn’t that easy! I really love how it turned out! IF I have time I am going to make more for my tree. Otherwise it will probably hang over a window or a bed at home. You can make it as long or short as you wish so it is customizable to any space. You could also make a green peppermint if you want to change it up a bit. The other nice thing about this craft is that it is so inexpensive! I spent less than five dollars and I didn’t even use up all the felt and pompom. Overall I think this is a great, easy, fun, and cheap craft for a cold or rainy day. Make one while you watch a movie, and before you know it you’ll have a whimsical holiday treat for your home! Be sure to tune in tomorrow for more Christmas crafts!
Happy Crafting!

I can’t get over how cute this is! I’m definitely going to make it for our home!
Oh yay! I hope you have fun making some of your own 🙂