Vintage Tablecloth Christmas Stockings
Hi everyone! Today I have a really fun craft for repurposing your spotty vintage tablecloths. I am going to show you how to make Christmas stockings! I am head over heels for vintage linens, tablecloths being my favorite! A lot of times I find tablecloths at a great deal because they have several stains or small holes. These are fabulous for crafting! I found a couple of vintage Christmas tablecloths from Molly, my favorite vendor at the Raleigh Flea. They were both in good shape color-wise but they did have quite a few yellow spots on them and I knew that they’d be perfect to make christmas stockings with this year! If you are handy with a sewing machine you can whip one up really fast too. I’m not a fast sewer and it still only took me around an hour to make these three.
Here’s what you need:
*Flannel Fabric for lining
*Pattern (you can use mine which is medium and skinny or search around the web, there’s a lot out there)
*Sewing machine, thread and scissors
Cut out your pattern, then trace the pattern to your fabric cutting two of the shell and two of the lining. Cut out your pattern pieces. Stitch a loop of ricrace facing in towards the middle of the stocking about 4″ down the side seam of one of your pattern pieces. With right sides together sew the outer stocking and the lining pieces around the sides and bottom leaving the top open. Notch corners, turn right sides out and iron. Stitch the ricrac trim to the top of your outer stocking at the top. Now, stuff your shell into the lining piece right sides facing each other, matching the tops together. Stitch around the top leaving an inch or so unsewn for turning. Turn stocking out and stuff the lining into the stocking. Smooth out and iron. Top stitch around the top edge of your stocking closing up the turning gap. Fold the top of the stocking down a little to make the cuff. Now you are ready to hang and enjoy.
I love how these stockings turned out! The tablecloth fabric is fantastic and totally my style! I made one for myself, my hubby, and my sister. And yes, we are totally using these this Christmas morning, I can’t wait! I love how easy these are to make as well, and you can embellish them any way you like with different trims and buttons. My stockings are fun and retro, but if you are into a shabby cottage look you can use sweet floral tablecloths in those old beautiful soft colors. There are so many ways you can style these to your own. They are so much better than commercial stockings. I know I’ll treasure them for years to come! Be sure to tune in tomorrow for a fun and retro Christmas DIY!
Happy Crafting!

So pretty, but I don’t think I could cut my tabelcloth apart. Oh Wait! I can photocopy my tablecloth and make it in paper. Thanks for the idea.
Chris =]
Thank you Chris! I didn’t mind cutting mine since they were pretty stained to the point that they’d never be on a table again. I could never cut one that was in good condition, they’re too special 😀