DIY Recycled Sweater Wrapping
Hi Everybody! I have a fun gift wrapping idea to share with you all today that you can make with old sweaters. I see sweaters all the time at the thrift store that have sweet patterns, like this fun fair isle sweater from the gap. All you need are the sleeves, a sweing machine, some ribbon, and a jar. First lay your sleeve on your jar and decide where you want to cut it, remember to leave a 1/2 inch for stitching the bottom up. Turn the cut sleeve inside out and stitch the bottom up. Turn right side out, slide your bottle into the pouch and tie the top with a tag and a ribbon. This is so easy to make and it’s really cute and different from the typical holiday wrapping! And you get to recycle, doesn’t get much better than that! Be sure to tune in Monday for more holiday wrapping! Have a wonderful weekend!

I really loved the idea
That’s awesome
thanks for posting
Thanks Anita! They are really easy to make and fun!
Looks more like a remodeling job(work involved)than a time saver. Also ?where has it been before it wrapped this present…and now you own it what ha Goin to do with it?if you guess wrong, think again!