DIY Fabric Photo Note Cards
In case you all haven’t noticed yet, I am totally in love with Spoonflower! Both of my craft projects this week are using spoonflower fabric I designed myself using some of my favorite photos. These note cards are super simple to make and really fun too! I chose to use some of my latest photos that I took of my favorite ceramic tchotskies. Yes, there are a lot of them! It’s a small obsession. You can also use family pictures, scan in your kid’s artwork, type up your favorite quotes in fun fonts. There are so many possibilities, and you can easily customize them to fit your style. Let’s get started!
Here’s What You Need:
*Blank Note Cards
*Sewing Machine
*Bright Thread
*Spoonflower Fabric
The first thing you want to do is make a file for uploading. Decide how large you want your fabric and how wide your chosen type of fabric will be. For example, I chose to do one yard of the linen cotton blend which is 56″ wide. So, I made my file 36×56″. Resize each of your photos to fit your card. I made mine 3.5″ square. You can change the dimensions of your files all together by using the process multiple files in photoshop elements or an image resizer program. Open up all of your pictures and make sure you have your new “canvas” open too. Now with the move tool, drag and drop your photos onto your blank canvas. Use the grid or ruler guides to help you lay them out straight. Once you have filled your canvas, save it as a jpeg and close it. Go to You can upload your artwork by going to create and clicking on custom fabric. Once you upload your design, you will be taken to a page where you can choose what type of fabric and the amount you want to order and add it to your cart. Once you check out, your fabric will be ready and shipped usually in about eight to ten days. Spoonflower has all kinds of design help faqs on their site Here.
Once you get your fabric in the mail, iron out all of the wrinkles. Now, cut out your pictures. Once you have all of your pictures cut out you are ready to sew. Lay your fabric photo on the front of your note card. Even it out and hold it in place. Now set your machine to a zigzag stitch and stitch around the edge of your photo. Clip the excess threads. Fold your note card in half and you are ready to use it or embellish it more.
I LOVE my new note cards. Spoonflower fabric is just the best! I needed some cute ones to send out with my shop orders. These little cards whip up so fast and are like eye candy when you are finished. I love how customizable they are, and I can’t wait to try out some different variations! You guys have to give this one a try, it’ll make you love sending snail mail again! Let me know if you give it a try. I’d love to see what lovely cards you make!
Happy Crafting!

These are just the cutest things ever- the little owl with th bow- too precious- I tried spoonflower 2-3 times but never with photos- great idea!
Your ideas are fabulous! One is cuter than the next. My first project will be a bottle cap mosaic. Finally got your good idea to use grout. Thanks!! Did you know you could scan and print images from your computer. There is printable fabric available and you can treat fabric to be used in your printer. FYI…. Keep up the creative
Thanks Barbara! I hope you have a blast making your table!