DIY Fast and Easy Stenciled Frame
Hi guys! I recently bought these sweet Martha Stewart adhesive stencils when I had a coupon at the craft store. I thought well, I bet they lose their stickiness but I’ll give them a try, so I did. And I have to say, I am in LOVE! Not only are the designs cute, but they really do stick nicely to your surface and once you wash them and let them dry, they get their stickiness back. I have used these stencils about four or five times now, and they are still doing great! I had this blonde wood frame I had bought from Target a while back, and I had been wanting to paint it, so these stencils were perfect to give a little extra style to my plain frame!
Here’s What You Need:
*Martha Stewart Adhesive stencils
*Foam Pouncers
*pallet or paper plate
These stencils are really easy to use! If you are doing a repeat pattern like I did on the bottom of my frame, you will need to wash the stencil and dry it in between each design. Peel your stencil off of the clear sheet and gently lay it out where you want it on your frame. Firmly smooth out the stencil so it is nicely adhered to the surface of your frame and free of bubbles. Squirt a little paint onto your plate. Then, dab the tip of your foam pouncer into the paint and then dab the paint onto the stencil with the pouncer. If you want to use different color paints in the same stencil, use the smallest size foam pouncer you have and dab it on its side, being careful not to overlap the other paint areas. Work quickly between colors because if the paint dries on the stencil, it is hard to get it out of the intricate design spaces of your stencils. Once you have painted your stencil, start at the edge and peel the stencil off. Let the paint dry and wash up your supplies. And that’s it, easy right!
I think my frame turned out really cute! I love the stencil design and the sweet color combination! You can customize just about anything with these stencils and you can style it to your taste by the stencils and colors you choose. This project was a lot of fun and I hope you will give these adhesive stencils a try on your next project! You’ll love them! I’ll be back next week with more fun DIY projects. Until then…
Happy Crafting!

Your frame is darling! I love the colors, too.
Ashlee, Congratulations! You have been featured on my Blog Crush post today at
Thanks so much Regina! I’ll go check it out!
Regina, I couldn’t seem to comment on your post, but I wanted to let you know that I am honored 🙂 Thank you so much! You are so sweet!
Have a wonderful week!