DIY Little Angel Tassels
Hey guys! Welcome to day five of my 12 Days of Christmas crafting! Today I am going to share with you how to make these fun angel tassels. These sweet little angels can be displayed on a shelf or strung by ribbon and used on the tree as an ornament. These little darlings are fun and easy to make!
Here’s What You Need:
*Wooden Round Doll Heads
*Crochet Doilies
*Tulle Ribbon
*Ribbon, Fabric Scraps, etc
*Gold Wire
*Craft Paint
*Micron Pen
*String or floss
*Drill or Dremmel and Small Drill Bits
*Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
*Jewelry Pliers and Wire Cutters
*Screw Eyes (Tiny)
*Ribbon for hanging
The first thing you need to do is pre drill the holes in the head for the screw eye and halo. Drill into the center top of the head with a drill bit that is slightly smaller than the screw eye. Drill into the back center of the head for the halo with a drill bit that is slightly smaller than the wire for the halo. Draw in the eyes with your micron pen, and then paint on the hair, lips, and cheeks. Set aside to let dry. Take a piece of cardboard or a small book and lay a piece of string across it at the top. Starting at the bottom, wrap your tulle ribbon a bunch of times around the book width ways. Cut tulle ribbon and wrap other ribbon or trim around the book. Scrunch the ribbons towards the middle, and take the ends of your string and tie around the top of the ribbons around the book. Then at the bottom cut through the bottom loop of the ribbons. Trim the bottom of your cut ribbons if needed. Fluff out your poof. Now, heat up your glue gun. Place a liberal amount of hot glue on the top of your poof. Glue the center of your doily to the top of the poof. Then glue the wooden head to the top of the doily. Next, you need to make the wings and the halo. Take the end of the wire, and bend about 1/2 inch at a right angle. Make a large loop to the left. Bring the long end of the wire and loop it around the other end of the wire. Loop the wire again this time to the right, and loop it around the center a couple of times and snip excess wire. To make the halo, take the end of the wire and bend a 1/2″ or so at a right angle. Then, about an inch and a half up make a loop and another right angle so it is parallel to the bottom where it will insert into the head. Loop the wire around the end of the loop where it meets the beginning of the loop and loop it around the straight part a few times. Snip. Add a dab of glue to the back of the head where you drilled the hole for the halo. Insert the halo into the back of the head. Glue the wings to the back of the doily up near the head. To finish off, screw the screw eye into the top of the head where you predrilled a hole. Cut a piece of ribbon, loop it through the eye, bring both ends together and tie a knot.
Aren’t they just so cute! I am not so good with faces, as you can tell some of them are kinda wonky, but they are still fun and festive. I think I am going to display a few of these on my tree this year and a few on a shelf. I hope some of you will give this one a try. They are really fun to make! I will be back tomorrow with another fun Christmas craft. Until then…
Happy Crafting!