DIY Funky Retro TV Frame
Hi guys! Welcome to the first day in the series of my 12 Days of Handmade Gifts 2013. For the next twelve weekdays, I am going to be sharing some DIY gifts to make for just about everyone on your list. Today I am kicking off the series with a fun and funky Retro TV Frame. This frame is really pretty simple to put together and it makes a great gift for those hard to shop for guys in your life. You can whip up this fun frame in less than an afternoon.
Here’s What You Need:
*Small Shadowbox Frame
*Purse Feet
*Thick gage Wire
*Vintage Radio Knobs
*Hot Glue
*Xacto Knife
*Chipboard or matboard
*Drill and drill bits
The first thing you need to do is drill the pilot holes you need in your frame. Measure the wire you have and drill two holes in the top the same size in the middle. Next measure the knob bolts and drill a hole for each into the face of the frame about half way down on the right side. Next snip the brad feet off of the purse feet you have. Glue the feet to the bottom of the frame evenly laid out. Then glue the knobs onto the front of the frame. Snip a couple of lengths of wire about 5″ to 8″ long. Roll the top under with a pair of round jewelry pliers. Then glue the wire into the top of the frame where you drilled the holes. Now you need to make the mat. My frame came with a mat, but you can cut your own from matboard or chipboard and an xacto knife. Mine was basically an 8×8″ mat with a 4×4″ opening. It was made to sit in the back of the frame on a lip. I wanted it to be flush with the front, so I trimmed it down the width of the lip which ended up being about an eighth of an inch on each side. Now Cut a piece of burlap to be a few inches bigger all the way around than the mat. Lay out the mat face down onto the burlap and lay out evenly. Run a bead of glue onto one side of the mat and press down the burlap. Then tighten the fabric around the mat to the other side and glue down. To make the corners, press the corners in towards the mat at a diagonal. Fold over the corner and glue down doing the same with each corner. Lay your mat face down. Cut an “x” with your xacto knife in the opening area of the mat cutting the burlap into sections. Fold back each of the four sections and glue to the back of the mat. Lay your mat into your frame and center. Run a thick bead of hot glue all the way around the edges of the mat where it meets the frame to hold the mat in place. Now you are ready to add your photo to the back and close the back up and hang.
Don’t ya just love it! It is such an easy project and can be really customized by the fabric and color choices of the frame. My frame was plastic, but I wanted it to look more antique than the smooth black it came in, so I rubbed gold paint onto it. This gift is great for your hubby, your dad, brother, or friends that are so hard to shop for. It’s quirky and fun. I hope some of you guys will give this one a try. What are you all making this Christmas? Handmade gifts are so fun! I’ll be back in a little bit with another fun gift idea. Until then…
Happy Crafting!