DIY Souvenir Snow Globe Necklace
Hi everyone! Welcome to day ten of my 12 Days of Handmade Gifts! I love snow globes! The kitschy-er the better! When I was little whenever we went somewhere really cool I bought one of those tacky snow globes as a souvenir to take home. I still have the one I bought when I went to Paris with my family years ago. It is so tacky it’s cute. I saw these fun glass globe pendant blanks on Etsy a while back and just had to get them. I had originally planned on making them into wearable mini scenes with vintage plastic miniatures that I have. I thought it would be awesome to have little minis of cities that I’d love to travel to. Since I couldn’t find any, I thought I’d make some mini cities instead.
Here’s What You Need:
*Mini Globe Bottle Pendants(Here)
*Printable Shrinky Dinks
*Photos of landmarks
*Wax Paper
*Jewelry Pliers
The first thing you need to do is make your shrinky city. Find a photo of a landmark you like and reduce the photo down to be around 1.75″” wide by no more than 3″ tall. Print out the photo onto your shrinky paper according to the directions on the pattern. Make sure you lighten the photo by 50% before printing or it will be too dark. Preheat your oven per the package directions. Tear up a paper bag and place a piece of it on a cookie sheet. Cut out around your landmark. Place it on your paper on the baking sheet. Then, bake for 3-5 minutes. While the shrinky is baking, fold up a piece of wax paper and lay it opened on an open book. Remove your shrinky from the oven and place it on the wax paper, then close the book sandwiching the shrinky between the wax paper and book pages. Press down on the book to help flatten the shrinky. Once your shrinky is cooled, you are ready to assemble your necklace. Spread some glue onto the inside of the setting bottom. Press your shrinky into the glue in the middle of the setting. Let the glue set up. The shrinky may move a little in the glue, just readjust it as needed. Take the glass globe and insert the eye pin-up through the hole in the top and the bead cap. Snip the wire down to about a half-inch from the top of the globe and loop the wire around making the loop for hanging your pendant. Now, turn the globe upside down and add a few pinches of glitter to the inside. Run a bead of glue around the lip of the globe and insert the setting onto the globe. Turn the globe right side up and set aside to dry. Once the necklace is fully dried and cured, string it onto a chain.
Don’t you just love them! I don’t know which one I like more. These are really so fun to make! You can customize the jar, just by the shrinky you choose to print and use. I thought about making one for my mom with our family home. I am going to be adding a few kits to my shop for these fun necklaces next week. So if any of you are interested in grabbing one, stay tuned. They are coming soon. I had such a blast making these two. I hope you guys will make some, you’ll have a great time too! I’ll be back next week with the final two handmade gift tutorials and some fun holiday wrapping ideas and printables. Until then…
Happy Crafting!

TOO Cute! Pinned and tweeted! xo Cindy