DIY No-Sew Spider Web Trick or Treat Bag
Happy Friday everyone! The best thing about Halloween when you’re little is dressing up for Halloween and going trick or treating! When I was little we got a new bag or bucket for every year. I think I had a few pumpkins, and tote bags we decorated, and I know I had a few happy meal buckets. I don’t have kids of my own just yet, but I do like to make a bags for Halloween every few years. Here’s my latest Halloween tote…
Here’s What You Need:
*Black Tote Bag
*White Doilies (I bought mine in the dollar section of Michaels)
*Glow in the Dark Plastic Spiders (I bought mine at Dollar Tree)
*Fabric Glue (I like Fabritac)
Gather your supplies. Lay out your doilies on top of your bag where you want your “webs.”
Once you have your doilies positioned where you want them, trim off the excess doily close to the edges of the bag.
Load up the back of your doily with fabric glue.
Glue your doilies down onto the front of your bag, lining them up where you need them. Press down firmly and smooth out the edges.
Once your doilies are dry, you can glue on your spiders. Place a dollop of hot glue to the underside of your glow in the dark spiders. Press the spiders onto your bag where you want them.
Once everything is nice and dry you are ready to fill er’ up and go.
I just love my spider web tote! My favorite part is that the little spiders glow in the dark! It was super easy to make and pretty inexpensive too! Although I use mine for running errands, I think it would make a wonderful trick or treat bag! I think that kids would like the glow in the dark features maybe even more than I do. I am a sucker for doilies as well! I hope some of you guys will make one of these for yourself or your kiddos this year! It’s a blast! I’ll be back next week with more Halloween fun. Until then…
Happy Crafting!

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