Five Minute DIY Halloween Spider Hair Clips
Since Halloween is not until Friday, I thought I’d squeeze in one more super easy diy for the holiday. These little spider hair clips are incredibly easy and fast to make, and they are a perfect weeknight craft! You can make a whole batch of them in under twenty minutes. Here’s the how-to……
Here’s What You Need:
*Fake Spiders (I bought my glitter spiders at Walmart)
*Hair Clips
First gather your supplies and remove spiders from their packaging.
Dab a bit of E6000 on to the front top of the hair clip.
Flip the spider on its back and glue the hair clip to the belly of the spider. If you are using the E6000 you may want to use a few books to hold the hair pins upright on the spiders so they dry properly. Once the glue is thoroughly dry you are ready to wear!
I love these fun spider hair clips! My sister in law Valerie just dyed her hair purple, and they look amazing in her hair, dontcha think! You can pile them on for a funky look, or just wear one or two to add a little Halloween style to your day. You could do the same thing with other creepy Halloween critters too. Have fun with it and make it your own! I’ll be back next week with a start to the Christmas holiday crafting! Can you believe it! Until then…
Happy Crafting!