Easy DIY Vintage Hanky Pocket Tee
I am a hanky hoarder! I have tons of them and although I need another hanky like I need a hole in my head, I cannot resist snagging them up when I come across some! I was looking for something to do to embellish some of plain every day tees. I thought I’d add a fun pocket to some of them. Most of my favorite flour sack scraps are too small for pockets, so I decided to try makng a pocket out of a vintage hanky. As it turns out, hankies make wonderful pockets and are just what I was looking for! Now I want to make one for each day of the week!
Here’s What You Need:
*Plain Tee Shirt
*Marking Pen and Ruler
*Scissors and Iron
*Sewing machine and thread
*Straight Pins
To start with cut one quarter out of your hanky. You should end up with a squarish shape.
Cut interfacing and iron onto the wrong side of the hanky.
Fold the hanky in half on the diagonal so you have a triangle.
Decide about where you want to fold your sides to make your pocket. Fold your triangle in half and measure out the same distance on each side and gently mark your fold line.
Cut the sides off of your triangle a little past your fold line. Fold your hanky on your fold line and iron the raw edges towards the wrong side. You should now have your pocket shape.
Decide where you want your pocket to go on your tee. Measure and mark the placement, then pin the pocket to the front of the tee with straight pins.
Top stitch around the pocket stitching close to the edges and leaving the top open. Make sure to backstitch well at the beginning and end of your stitching. Clip excess threads and there you have it!
My hanky pocket tees are definitely my go to every day tee! I love wearing them, and they are so easy to make I will definitely be making more. If you don’t have any hankies of your own, you can find them fairly cheap at vintage stores, antique malls, flea markets, etc. You could always substitute a hanky with a fun bandana too. So if you have some plain tees you are itching to do something with, give this one a try! I think you’ll love it too! I’ll be back soon with another fun DIY. Until then…
Happy Crafting!

What a great idea! Very cute.
Thank you darlin’!
So cute! I’ve got a Craft Gossip post that links to your tutorial here: http://sewing.craftgossip.com/?p=82679 –Anne
Thank you so so so much doll! You are the best! xoxo
I don’t think I would place mine right on my breast, pointing to it. Place it a little higher or lower.
Ha! This made me laugh 😀