Easy DIY Vintage Brooch Hair Accessories

Out of all of my little collection of costume jewelry, my favorite pieces are my brooches! I have bunches of them, some of them in better shape than others, but all of them fabulous. I even have a little collection that belonged to my Great Aunt Ellen, who was quite a lady, and shared not only a love of cats, but also a birthday with me. Recently I was going through my brooches and picked out a few that were broken or just not ones I wear for repurposing. I have repurposed old pins into necklaces and magnets before. This time I thought I would try my hand at some hair accessories.
Here’s What You Need:
*Vintage Jewelry, Brooches, Earrings, Etc
*Hair Clip Blanks
*Headband Blanks
*Button Nippers/ Flush Nose Clippers
First you need to take the backs off of your jewelry. Take your clippers and cut the backs off of your brooch or earring. Clipp them to be as flat on the back as you can. It may take a little finagling.
Now cut a little strip of felt to be about the size of the bottom of the brooch. Run a bead of glue onto the back of the brooch or earring.Place the brooch onto the clip or headband gluing it down. Add a little glue to your felt. Press the felt onto the back of the headband or clip so it sandwiches the clip between the brooch and the felt. Press and hold for a couple of minutes until it is set.
Let it dry completely and then clip off any bits of felt that are sticking out.
I love my new hair clips and headbands! I have been wearing them a lot lately and have been getting a bunch of compliments on them. As it turned out these little accessories were a cinch to whip up. You can find broken jewelry and old brooches at your local flea market or sometimes even from the thrift store. You can use brooches, earrings, old pendants, most broken jewelry would work. So instead of tossing those old earrings and pins, make them into some adorable hair accessories to fluff up your wardrobe. I hope you will give it a try sometime! I’ll be back soon with more DIY fun. Until then…
Happy Crafting!

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