Vintage Kitschy Card Holder Gift Wrapping

Hi guys! Today I am here to share one more Christmas wrapping tutorial with you guys! I first saw this Christmas wrapping in my vintage 1962 Issue of Better Homes and Gardens Christmas Ideas Magazine. I loved the santa and the arm holding a card in the mitten. I thought they were both so cute I wanted to add these ideas to my holiday wrapping this year!
Here’s What You Need:
*Paper Wrapped Gifts
*Solid Colors Scrapbook Cardstock
*Patterned Cardstock
*Double Stick Tape
*Gift Cards
Here’s The Original:
For the santa I cut a triangle from white cardstock for the beard. Then I cut a rounded rectangle for the face with a beige cardstock. Then I cut a small triangle out of red cardstock. Then I cut a wavy skinny strip for the hat trim and a white circle for the tip of the hat out of the white cardstock. To make the mittens I cut two half ovals and two skinny strips of patterned cardstock for the mitten trim. Tape down the elements with double stick tape and then draw in the face. To make the hand, I cut a long strip about an inch and a half from the green patterned cardstock. I cut the end of the strip at an angle. Cut out a mitten shape with white cardstock. Then cut out a red wavy strip for the mitten trim. Tape all the elements down with the double stick tape. Now tuck the gift cards into the mitten and one of Santa’s hands.
I think these packages are really fun! What do you think? I really love the quirkiness and kitsch of these packages! They are a great way to give a gift card with another small gift. I hope you guys will add this gift trimming to your holiday wrapping this year. I think you’ll love it too! I hope you have enjoyed my Kitschmas tutorials this week! I will be back tomorrow with some awesome Etsy printables perfect for the holidays! Until then…
Happy Crafting!

This reminds me of the elaborate gift wrapping that my mom used to do. Her specialty was writing names in glitter…I actually can’t believe she did that, but they were gorgeous, sparkly and we felt so special. I’m going to borrow your idea and use washi tape for the arms as a short cut. Another great idea, Ashlee!
That’s so cool Cindy! I bet they were gorgeous! I bet washi tape arms will be awesome! I hope you have a blast wrapping gifts this year! xoxo