The Wonderful World of Pinterest- May 2014
Just as I was saying “I can’t believe it’s May already,” the month is just about over! This May has just been flying by! Before June creeps up on us, I thought I’d share some of my favorite pins from my Pinterest boards with you all. I didn’t add any new boards this month, but I did add to some of my favorite boards. Here’s a peek at what I’ve been pinning lately:
From my board ART:
From my board Vintage Hanky Love:
From my board Amazing Vintage Barkcloth:
From my board For the Home:
From my board HAIR:
From my board Iggy Love:
From my board DIY Ideas I Love:
From my board Pets and Animals:
And from my board Words to Live By:
Aren’t they all awesome! I just adore Pinterest! It is definitely one of my favorite places to hang out on the internet! You can see the sources of all these pins and get lots more inspiration from my Pinterest boards Here. I’ll be back next month with more pinspiration. Until then…
Happy Pinning!

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