Holiday Gift Guides 2014- Gifts for Kids
Happy Friday everyone! It’s time for another gift guide for the holidays, and this one is all for the kiddos. There are so many fabulous items for children and babies on Etsy! Some of them make me wish I was a kid again! This guide is longer than my usual guids since I could have done a whole post just on plushies. I narrowed them down a bit and added in some great toys and accessories. Here are just a few of my favorite holiday gift ideas for the little ones:
Modern Kids Play Kitchen from Mint Home
Mr. Beaver, a woodchuck softie plush doll toy, made to order, OOAK from Dunlap Love
Christmas deer plush toy , handmade stuffed toy, baby safe soft toy, holidays from Skripskrap
Outer Space Wood Bank from Mmim
Baby Mobile — Bears in Party Hats — Customize to Match You Modern Nursery from Pink Cheeks Studio
Plush Owl Softie Stuffed Owl Doll for Children and Baby Plush Toy from Friends of Socktopus
Marimekko Unikko Kids’ Teepee (Small) from Teepeedees
Cute Bug Plush – Handmade cloth doll kids toy monster bug plushie from Palooka Handmade
Aren’t they all just so adorable! If I had children I’d be buying them all! As it is, I’ve got a few of the softies on my Christmas wish list. I hope you all enjoy browsing through these fantastic shops! I’ll be back next week with another gift guide. Until then…
Happy Shopping!

Great choices! I want that Marimekko teepee for myself!
I want the teepee too 🙂