Easy Chalkboard Mini Liquor Bottle Favor Place Cards
Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! We are taking it easy this year and just having a nice dinner at home. Before the year comes to a close I thought I’d share one more easy diy with you all. I always like to use place cards and set the table nicely when we have special dinners. I wanted something more than just a simple paper place card. So, I thought it would be fun to use a little airplane bottle of liquor as a name tag. Check out the easy how to:
Here’s What You Need:
*Little Bottles of Liquor
*Chalkboard Paint
*Painters tape or washi tape
*Rubbing Alcohol
This diy is super simple! The first thing you need to do is clean the label off your bottle. Peel the label off. If it doesn’t come off clean use a little goof off or soap and hot water. Clean the glass with rubbing alcohol and let it dry. Then you need to paint your bottle. I used Martha Stewart Crafts Black Chalkboard Paint. You paint it on in layers and let it dry thoroughly in between coats. If you want something faster you can use the spray paint chalkboard paint by rustoleum. Wrap the top of the bottle or lid with painters tape or washi tape. Paint your bottle and let it dry. Peel off the tape on the top. Once the paint it good and dry, gently rub a little chalk over the bottle to prime it. Gently wipe the chalk off the bottle. Now you can gently write the name on the front of your bottle and the type of liquor on the back. Finish it off by tying a little sparkly ribbon around the top.
This diy is so simple and fun to make for a grown up party! I mean it’s not just a name card, it’s your own personalized tiny bottle of booze, what’s not to love? I don’t drink, but my hubby and the rest of the family absolutely love these! I realize it’s a little late to make these for your New Year’s Eve parties this year, but there is always next year. Or you can use this idea for birthdays, Valentine’s Day, etc. Give it a try sometime! I hope you all have a wonderfully fun and safe New Year’s Eve! See you next year!