Vintage Crafts- DIY Knotted Plant Holder

Hey everyone! Today I am back to share another vintage craft with you all! A little while back I snagged a vintage copy of a 1957 Popular Mechanic’s Special, 200 one evening projects, for my hubby. There are some great projects in here. Most of them are woodworking projects, but there are a few general crafts too. I came across this vintage planter holder made from roping and thought it would be a fun summery project to share!
Here is the Original:
I found this project to be super easy! I think it took me maybe fifteen minutes from start to finish. I really love how easy it is to customize to whatever vessel you choose to use. I used a cobalt blue ceramic mason jar and instead of rope I used paracord. I followed the instructions pretty to the point. I did not add beads to the sides since my beads did not have holes large enough for multiple strands of cord. I added my lucite stripe beads to the top of my planter to dangle. Instead of braiding the top I tied a knot and then another knot a couple of inches above that one to have a hole for hanging. Then I strung and knotted beads on my loose strands at the top to dangle.
I am planning on hanging this cutie out on my screen porch to use as a flower vase. I think I may make another one with my old colander and use it as a planter. This Popular Mechanics mag is brimming with all kinds of projects! I am looking forward to sharing many more with you guys in the future! I’ll be back soon with more vintage fun. Until then…
Happy Crafting!

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