DIY Soft and Cozy Pet Sling

Hi guys! As many of you who follow my blog know, my sister and I got new puppies this summer! We picked out two italian greyhound puppies, Annie and JoJo. Hannah has the JoJo, and I have Annie, his sister. Italian greyhounds are widely known as velcro dogs since they love to be as close to you as possible all day long. Little Jo wants to be held all day and will follow you around and cry until you pick him up. Since he’s such a clingy little fella, I made Hannah a puppy sling for him to snuggle down in. He’s cozy and close to her, and she’s happy and hands free. I thought I would share how I made her sling in case any of you guys have a pup or kitty you’d like to tote around.
Here’s What You Need:
*Flannel or Quilting Weight Fabric for Outside
*Fleece or Minky for Lining
*Sewing Machine and Thread
*Straight Pins
*Ruler and Marking Pen
The first thing you need to do is cut your pieces. Measure around where you will wear the sling around your body and add a few inches to that and then another inch for seam allowance. I made Hannah’s to be 60″ long by 8″ wide. So cut one long piece to be 61″x9″. If your fabric isn’t wide or long enough you can piece it together, just make sure you add seam allowance. For example, my 61″9″ can be made into two pieces that were 31″x9″. You will also need to cut a half circle. Determine the depth you want the pouch to be plus the width. Mark both on a piece of paper. Fold your paper in half width wise and then draw in the curve from the side to the bottom. You will need two half circles of your fabric. Cut one long strip and two half circles of your outer fabric and one long strip and two half circles from your lining snuggle fabric.
Mark the center of both your half circles and your long strip. Beginning at the center, pin one half circle to the long strip on one side, right sides together. Pin the other side in the same manner. Do the same for your flannel and your lining fabrics.
Stitch the sides to the strip with a half inch seam allowance, from the top side of one end of the semi circle, around the bottom to the other side. You should now have two open pouches. One is the flannel and one is the snuggle fabric.
Now open out the snuggle fabric pouch and lay it in the flannel pouch so that right sides are touching. Pin together.
Now you are ready to stitch. Start on one side of one end. Stitch down that side, when you get to the half circle pivot your fabric with the needle down. Then stitch across the top of the half circle, then pivot again and stitch up the side of the other strap. Pivot and stitch across the end of the strap, then back down the other side, across the other half circle, then back up the other side. Leave the end you started on open at the top.
Clip your curves and clip corners. Now reach in the open end and pull the other end through turning the pouch right side out. One end will be closed and one side will be open but your pouch will be formed. As you can see I had some helpers.
Now you need to connect your strap to finish off your pouch. Turn the raw edges in towards the inside. Then lay the closed end over the top of the one you just turned under overlapping them by about a half inch or so. Pin. Stitch across the end close to the edge. Then turn over and stitch across the other end close to the edge. Clip your threads and you are finished.
I think it turned out pretty cute! We actually found the flannel fabric at walmart. Hannah was looking for Batman fabric but when we saw the ponies and they were all snoozy we couldn’t resist. I think if I make another one for Annie I will make it a little longer. You can adjust the size according to your dog and your measurements. It is a really easy to make! You can whip up a few in an afternoon. It’s like a snuggly for your pets. Together we can make pet wearing a new fad! But seriously, give it a try sometime for your furry friend. It is great for small pets you want to take out with you when it’s a little chilly and they can be all snuggly and spoiled like they should be, right! I’ll be back soon with more fall projects. Until then…
Happy Crafting!

Hi there! I have a 13lb. Italian greyhound and I’ve been wanting to make a new along for her because the one I devised is rather hard on the back. How heavy are your iggies? Can you carry them around in this sling for a prolonged time or does it hurt the back no matter what?
My big boy is around fifteen pounds and I can’t carry him very long. My little one is around ten pounds and I could carry her all day. Of course I carry around a purse that probably ways just as much or more than my dogs, so I always have sore shoulders. I do find this sling to be really helpful when I am out somewhere or Annie is really clingy since I can put her in it and have my hands free and she is less squirmy than if I am just holding her. Hope this helps 🙂