DIY Detective Poirot Egg Cup

Hi guys! Most of you probably don’t know this about me, but I am a huge Agatha Christie fan! I love her books and short stories. I had originally started with a Miss Marple book and then read The Mysterious Affair at Styles, and have since been reading the Poirot series in the order they were released. Poirot has become my favorite detective! I love the books, the short stories, and of course the BBC tv show with David Suchet, who is on all accounts the perfect Poirot! I read a novel or short story and then watch the episode that corresponds with it. So, when I saw these wooden egg cups at Target, I immediately thought of my favorite detective with his egg shaped head, and knew I needed a Poirot egg cup in my life!
Here’s What You Need:
*Wooden Egg Cup
*Craft Paint
*Fine Tip Paint Brush and other small brushes
First you need to draw in your features. Drow in the face and the hair line as well as the bowtie and jacket.
Now paint in your grey jacket and black hairline, paint in the red bow tie. Paint in the facial features with your very fine tip brush. To add the pink on the cheeks I dipped the tip of my finger in the pink paint and dabbed it on the egg cup where I wanted the cheeks. Let your paint dry and then add your boiled egg to finish. Enjoy.
I love my eggy little detective! It is a fun addition to any breakfast and makes me smile, which is quite a feat first thing in the morning. So, if you all love Poirot make yourself a little egg cup to add to your breakfast setting. And if you have no idea who I am talking about, check out a Poirot book from the library or watch one of the BBC Poirot episodes on Netflix. I think you’ll love them too! I’ll be back next week with more crafty fun. Until then…
Happy Crafting!

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