Cats for Freedom!

Hi guys! As many of you know, I am a big fan of my fur babies! Our little nest has had a few losses and a new addition in the last year, but we still have a full house with our two italian greyhounds, our chickens and our very neurotic bengal kitty Jack. Unfortunately for Jack, he doesn’t have much of a sanctuary of his own from the dogs, and therefore spends most of his time in our bedroom on my vanity staring at himself and his “other family” in the mirror. So, when Tipsy Elves contacted me with their new Cats for Freedom campaign I knew I was definitely all in!
There has been SO much political craziness everywhere you turn this year. We’ve been very divided and well, both sides haven’t been terribly polite. I for one cannot wait for it to be over so I can look at my facebook feed or turn on the tv without the upcoming election and peoples strong opinions of it being thrust in my face. I just want to see funny videos you guys. I need them! And apparently the folks at Tipsy Elves are tired of the mud slinging and lovely political headlines that have been prevalent this election and have started a fantastic initiative, Cats for Freedom, to bring a little fun back to the internet and provide us all with what we really crave the most, cute cats! So, Tipsy Elves sent me a couple of fantastic patriotic tees to make a fun cat box tee shirt fort for my kitty Jack Jack. I wanted to make a kitty condo. I originally tried to make a hole to connect the bokes through the arm holes, but my kitty was too fat to ever fit through a sleeve, so I stacked the two kitty forts together and tied them tightly with some ribbon. If you are unfamiliar with the fantastic kitty tee shirt condo, check out this video..
Basically you stretch a tee shirt on a box. The neck becomes the opening. Then you fold in the sleeves and tie the ends in the back. It is a genius design, and something our angel kitty Sophie would have pretty much lived in , as she loved nothing more than box forts. At first Jack would not go in it. He knew I had made it for him and wanted him to go inside, and Jack never does what you would like him to do. What can I say, my cat is an ass! But now Jack Jack actually loves his kitty condo, he sleeps in it at night and hangs out in it during the day. I just had to not care. Jack does not handle the paparazzi well, so every time I get near him in it with a camera he bolts. I was able to snap a couple of pics when he wasn’t noticing. So while others are sharing cute photos and videos of their cats being adorable in their kitty cubes, I am afraid all I can offer you are photos of my cat’s butt.
The best part of Tipsy Elves Cats for Freedom initiative is that it is a charity event! From now until May 31st, 2016, they will be donating 10% of all orders to the San Diego Humane Society, which provides cats of all ages the resources to live freely. Use code CATS at checkout.
Be sure to keep an eye out on Tipsy Elves Blog, Facebook and Twitter for more #catsforfreedom fun!
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!