Favorite Vintage Finds of the Week- September 27th

Hi guys! I hope you are having a great week! A lot of you who follow my blog regularly, know that I have a serious love affair with vintage linens! This week I wanted to share my love of linens with you with a group of fantastic vintage tea towels. There are so many amazing tea towels in Etsy’s wonderful world of vintage, it was really hard to narrow it down. Here are just a few of my favorites:
Linen Kitchen Towel Soup Tureen George Wright Midcentury Artist Designer Witches Stew from NeatoKeen
Vintage Towel Mid Century Bar Dancing Jazz Cats Signed from Uncle Bunks Trunk
Linen Tea Towel Vintage Towel BUNNIES and Ducks from NeatoKeen
Vintage Hadson Kitchen Dish Tea Towel Table Runner~Sweet Courting Couple Red Hearts Flowers from Pleasant Days Vintage
Irish Linen Tea Towel ” Kitchen Capers 2 ” lend a hand ” 1950s Lady by Dunmoy from On My Kitchen Table
Vintage Kitchen Tea Dish Towel Table Runner~Ham and Eggs Pig Chickens Cast Iron Pan Houses from Pleasant Days Vintage
Vintage Startex Kitchen Towel Printed Linen Cloth / Tea Towel: Cherries & Stripes 1950s from Soldier Suzanne
Vintage 1940’s TEA TOWEL MiD CenTuRy AdOraBLe GARDENING Theme from Pacific Modern
Vintage Florida tea towel race horses greyhounds Florida World’s Playground 1940s souvenir Floridiana kitsch mint from 3 Florida Girls
Vintage Tea Towel Bride’s Father Crying Towel Humorous 1940s from Coco’s Room
Vintage Florida tea towel flamingos red white blue airplane 1940s Floridiana souvenir kitsch kitchen from 3 Florida Girls
Startex Towel Farm Kitchen Decor Texaco Advertising from Barb’s Vintage Finds
Aren’t they all fabulous! I love them all of course! Can’t pick a favorite this week. How about you guys? Any of these strike your fancy? Be sure to check out the awesome vintage shops that these gorgeous towels came from. There are LOTS more treasure to see! I will be back soon with more vintage fun. Until then…
Happy Shopping!

Thank you for including my towels in this wonderful roundup, Ashlee!