DIY Vintage Retro Christmas Felt Stocking

Hi everyone! I had originally shared this post a couple of years ago on a friends blog that is no longer online anymore. So, I wanted to share it here today. This is one of my favorite vintage Christmas crafts ever. Vintage Felt Christmas stockings to me are the epitome of Christmas kitsch. They are so cute! This particular craft has been on my crafty bucket list for years. I have found diy’s for these cute stockings in almost every vintage Christmas magazine I have. The project that I decided to model my stockings after was from a few different Better Homes and Gardens Christmas Ideas Magazines. I loved the style of these and thought they would be perfect for new stockings for me and my hubby!
Here’s What You Need:
*Felt for stockings 1/2 yard or more (I used the fuzzy brushed felt)
*Felt for embellishments
*Felt shapes
*Embroidery Floss and needle
*Sewing Machine and Thread
*Pinking Shears
*Marking Pen
*Fabric Glue
Here is the Original:
Here is a pattern for my felt embellishments:

The first thing you will want to do is cut out your stocking out of your fuzzy felt. Draw in a large sock shape on the back side of your felt. Cut out your stocking.
Now you can add on your felt embellishments. Lay them out on the front of your stocking. When you get your layout how you like, glue each shape down with your fabric glue.
Now add any embroidery you want to add. Stitch faces on santa, add the frets on the guitar, stitch a red nose on the reindeer.
Now to make the top of your stocking. Cut a piece of coordinating felt to be the width of the top of your stocking by the amount you want it to hang down plus another inch or so. Trim the bottom edge with pinking shears.
On a small scrap of felt draw in your name with your marking pen. Embroider your name using the marking as a guide. I used a simple back stitch. When done stitching trim your felt clost to your name with pinking shears.
Now center your name tag onto the top stocking piece with the top stocking piece wrong side facing up and sew down by machine with a straight stitch.
Now you are ready to assemble your stocking. Start by stacking the large front of the stocking over the stocking top with the pinked edge pointing up. Overlapp by about an inch. Stitch across the bottom of the top piece from the back side.
Fold the top piece over to the front, now your name should be facing the right way. Pin the top flap down. Stitch close to the sides and across the bottom. Trim excess. Do the same thing with the back stocking piece and back top stocking piece. Then stitch a loop of ribbon at the top side back of the stocking back. Stitch your ric rac trim around the stocking from the right top to the left top lining the edge of the ric rac up to the edge of the stocking piece.
Place your stocking back and front together right sides together. Pin. Stitch all the way around the stocking leaving the top open with a 1/2″ seam. Turn your stocking right side out and you are done!
I LOVE my stockings! They are a great size and I love the custom embellishments. My hubby likes his stocking too! These did take a little bit of time, but they were well worth it. I had a great time making them and they were easy to make! I think this would be a great project even for a little bit older child that you could trust with an embroidery needle. I hope you all will give this stocking project a try for Christmas. I think you’ll love it too!
xoxo, Ashlee

Love the vintage inspiration! They turned out perfectly!