Mini Christmas Book Necklaces

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you all are having a wonderful start to your week! You all know I love those little miniatures you get at craft stores to use in fairy gardens or even in making holiday ornaments. I have a hard time passing them up and I have a bin full in my craft closet. There are so many cute ones at Michaels right now, I wanted to buy them all up! There was one tiny set I just couldn’t pass up this season, and that was these miniature holiday books. They were too cute, and ended up being perfect for making into little charms for necklaces to wear during the holidays!
- Here’s what you need…
- Miniature books (mine are from Michaels)
- Jewelry tags or bails
- Jump Rings
- Tiny charms (optional)
- Chain ( I used skinny ball chain)
- Jewelry Pliers
- E6000
- Toothpick
- Tweezers
So the first thing you will want to do is make your book into a charm. Put a little e6000 glue onto a disposable plate, napkin, etc. Hold your jewelry tag with tweezers and spread a little glue on the front and back with a toothpick.
If you are clumsy like me, get someone to hold your tag in the tweezers while you open up your mini book to the middle and then sandwich the tag into the middle of the book and close the book. Give it a good squeeze and wipe off any excess glue. Set aside to dry.
Once your glue is set, you can assemble your necklace. Use your jewelry pliers to add a jump ring to the hole in the the top of the jewelry tag. If you have used a bail instead of a tag, you can skip this step as the opening in the bail is large enough for your chain to slip through.
Slip your book charm onto your chain. Add a clasp and embellish by adding charms if you like.

I absolutely adore my little Christmas book necklaces! These minis are brilliant! They are like actual little books with art on the front and back cover and spine and blank paper on the inside. I was in awe when I opened them up out of their package. So scoot on over to michaels and pick yourself up some of these little cuties to make into jewelry for yourself of favorite gal pals this holiday season! Or find some cute non holiday mini books at your craft store or hobby shop to use too! I’ll be back soon with more kitschmas!
xoxo, Ashlee

Those are sooooo sweet! Love your first model in the post, too ❤️ Thanks for sharing!
Cute and easy – just my speed! What a great holiday gift idea!