Handmade Gifts- Vintage Wallpaper Mini Birdhouse Nightlight

Hi guys! Today I am going to share a cute little diy nightlight that I made for my mama. We love birds in our family, they are the sweetest little things! My mom has a whole set up of feeders and flowers to attract humming birds right outside her sunroom. One of little bear’s favorite things to do is fill up the birdfeeder with his daddy and watch for birds. We have lots of cardinals and doves and little finches that like to hang out in our yard, when the holy terror is not outside playing that is. So, if you love birds or know someone who does, give this little project a try. It’s so fun!
Here’s What You Need:
*Small Wooden Bird house
*Plain night light with a front that slides off
*Craft Paints
*Wallpaper, Paper, etc… (optional)
*Mod Podge Matte
*Saw attachment for your Dremmel
The first thing you need to do is paint your bird house. Prime it with some white paint. If you are using paper on the sides, measure the sides and then cut the paper to be just a little under the original measurement.
Now, Paint a little medium on your paper and apply it to the sides of the bird house. Paint the rest of your bird house to your liking. Set aside to dry.
Once your bird house is dry, you are ready to cut the back. Measure where the night light socket and mark where it will correspond on your bird house bottom. Measure the width of your night light socket and get a forstner bit that is the same width. Drill the area where the socket is marked on the bottom of your bird house.
Now, take the dremmel and attach the cutting tool attachment to it. Mark in from the edge about a half an inch. Then cut up each side, across the top, and then across the bottom above where the bottom wood piece meets the backside. Take the cut back off.
Insert the night light base into the hole in the bottom and screw in the light bulb through the back.
I love this little night light! I used some vintage children’s wallpaper on the sides of my house. This mini light was fun to make and pretty easy to whip up. Since I got the nightlight at the dollar store and the bird house was only a dollar at the craft store, this light only cost me two dollars to make. I think it will add a bit of fun and whimsy to my Mama’s kitchen. So, if you’re looking for a fun night light for the bird lover on your list, give this diy a try! You’ll love it too! I’ll be back tomorrow with another fun gift idea.
xoxo, Ashlee