Upcycled Container Wrapping

Hi guys! Today I am going to share an easy wrapping idea with you all. I don’t know about you, but I love to find uses for food containers once they are all used up. Did you know tea tins, peanut containers, oatmeal containers, egg cartons, can all be upcycled into great gift wrap containers just by painting or adding a little gift wrap!

Take those old tea or coffee tins and wrap the tins with wrapping paper. Cut the wrap slightly larger than the height of the tin and fold over the excess for a neat edge, or cut just slightly smaller with a pair of sharp scissors for crisp straight cut lines. Double stick tape is wonderful for securing the paper in place without obvious tape lines. Glue a big bow or pretty flower to the top of the tin for extra fun! You can do the same thing with old oatmeal or mixed nut containers. It’s super easy and free!

I love recycling containers for gift wrapping. It is free and usually great to use those wrapping paper bits that aren’t big enough to wrap the boxed gifts you have. So before you start wrapping your gifts this year, raid your recycling bin to see if there is anything in there that would make a useful gift container. Santa will be proud! Be back soon with more Kitschmas!

I love doing this too, although it’s easy for me, to become a hoarder