Adorable Vintage Image Giveaway!

Hi guys! Today I wanted to pop in and share a little giveaway with you for the holidays. I have partnered up with USB Memory Direct to giveaway a few custom USB drives they made for me. I will be giving away five drives, each with ten of my personal favorite vintage images that I’ve collected over the years from old greeting cards and books. It’s not anything I’ve shared with you before and I will not be sharing any image clips of what may be on it because I want it to be an exciting surprise. But trust me, it will be full of adorableness!

These custom flash drives are super cool! USB Memory Direct has several styles of drives that you can put your logo on. I received a few custom stick drives and a couple of their card style drives that they printed Sam’s photo on for me. The photo card drives are seriously one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen! I mean wouldn’t these make fabulous gifts to give to family with photos of your kiddos, or even old family photos you’ve had digitized. They would also be fabulous business cards for photo studios or for artists to share their portfolios or work for their clients. I was very impressed by these drives and the quality of printing on them too!

So if you have a business or studio and are on the lookout for an amazing way to help promote your business or share your work, go check out USB Memory Direct and get a custom quote. I highly recommend the card style! So, if you are interested in snagging one of my special MSCCL flash drives with some of my favorite vintage image goodies, leave me a comment here or on facebook or instagram with your email address. Don’t feel comfy sharing your email where others can see? Send me a message through my contact form 🙂 This giveaway will be open through the rest of December. I will be choosing five readers at random and will send an email the first week of January to the winners. Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season!
xoxo, Ashlee
Disclaimer: I Received complimentary product to share for my review today. All opinions are my own.

Hello love your blog. So excited about the vintage drives. Whether its my age of 57👵. Or that the last 10 months battling aggressive breast cancer. I have come to love all things Vintage. It’s true they don’t make em like they use to.
Thank you for the chance to win one of your MSCll flash drives with some of your favorite vintage images. I sent you my email in your contact me
Hi Ashlee,
I love your vintage style!
It makes me so happy.
Would really like to receive the flash drive……maybe Santa will surprise me??
Merry Christmas and much happiness in the New Year!
Vintage is my favorite! Thanks for the opportunity!
Vintage is so sweet. I’m certain the flash drive is amazing. Thank you for the opportunity. Have a wonderful holiday.
Hi Ashlee,
I love vintage also. I am not very creative so I appreciate sites like yours to give me ideas. So lease keep them coming.
Thank you.
oh ashlee, what a fun surprise! count me in. so happy to be receiving your emails once again.